Tuesday, July 26, 2011


View Photos from Provo Freedom Run

Back on July 4th, 2011 I ran my first 10k, my time was about an hour and 16 minutes. For not training seriously I guess that is not bad, but I was a little disappointed. I remember that back in Jr high and in high school I was able to run a mile between 4:20-5 minutes. I was always very competitive and wanted to be the girl with the best time. One time I remember this one girl and I tied at 4:20 minutes, I remember going up to my coach and I asked if I could run it again. She said yes, I had no clue what I was going to do since my body was super tired. Yeah I know only one mile, but when you push yourself over your limits things just get a lil harder. So, I did, I ran a mile again. As I ran I just kept pushing myself, kept telling myself that I had three more laps, 2 more, last one, come on push. As I was about to finish the mile, I just had to look at my timer. When I got to the end of it I realized I had beat my previous time, 4:15. Yeah, I know it wasn't much, but not only did I beat the 4:20 time, but I realized that I could do anything I wanted to, and that I am the only one that can set limitations to what I can do.

Last night I went out to the rec center, hopped on a treadmill, turned on some tunes and just started running. I was fascinated at the fact that an hour later I was still running, didn't know I had it in me, to run non stop. I just wanted to keep going, but the the rec was about to close, so I had to stop. My time per mile was not as great as it was back in my teenage years, its was actually pretty bad. My average per mile was about 12 minutes, so yes, I was a little disappointed at myself. I have been running for a month now and I just can't seem to get our of that 12 minute average. But I am happy that I can now endure running for a longer time. It was something that I was just not able to do back in high school during my cross country years.

I guess where I'm going with this is that I am grateful that by body is healthy and that I am healthy. Being active has been a blessing in my life, helping me realized that I can do anything I set my mind to. My health has always allowed me to be active by participating on some of my favorite activities: softball, swimming, running, basketball, hiking, volleyball and many others. I am very thankful that I had never been seriously ill, and that I recuperate pretty fast when I do catch a cold or flu. I am thankful that I have two legs, two arms, eyes and every other things that is healthy in me.

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