Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Today I happen to be very grateful for my sisters and the sisters I have made along the way. And of course, I am thankful for having them in my daily life, not just today. Each of these sisters I have now have influenced my life in many different ways and have helped me be a better person.

My sister Izchel, if there is anyone that knows how to love, it's her. She is not afraid of falling in love and is willing to put her heart on the line. Her willingness to take that risk has shown me that even though its not fun to have your heart broken, it is the only way to find real love. Which will eventually lead you to finding TRUE LOVE. So, if you've had your hear broken once, twice, however many times, it will heal, and the only way it will, is by willing to fall in love again.

Laurita, this girls is my sister from another mother. I don't think ever in my life I have made a friend so easy. I remember the day we met like it was yesterday, and all the good times we had together after. Laurita is just an easy going girl, every where we went she made a new friend. She is not afraid to speak to with people and people just fell in love with her. Her outgoing personality just stands out in a crowd. Her personality rubbed off on me, but just a little, eventually, I hope to be just as friendly as her.

Angie, this girl is the first best friend I made when I moved to Utah. And she has stuck around for the past seven years. For some crazy reason we end up working in the same place, well I have to admit I think I pull her around. But this girl is a hard worker and I am very bless to have her as a coworker. Not only is she a good employee but she is also a great provider for her mom and sister. She is the type of person who puts her needs aside for those she loves and cares for. She puts the I aside and puts the you up on front. Her example of looking out for others well being has shown me that happiness comes from serving those who surround you.

Gaby, this girl has been blessed with the most gorgeous baby girl, our first little ZETA. She has shown me that with motivation and encouragement you can do anything. She works hard for her baby and gives her so much love. Her example as a mother has shown me that there is no limits to what you can do, and that when love is involved what you can do is even greater.

I want to thank this girls for being in my life and for making a difference in who I am. I hope we can be friends forever, no matter where life takes us. I know it won'r be hard, because even though we have busy life's, we always make time for each other, even if its just to check in and see how we are doing. You girls are amazing and anyone that gets to meet you is very LUCKY!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

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